Food and Nutrition
We take great care to provide children with nutritious and wholesome food, delivered from local verified and cooperating producers from ecological areas of Mazowieckie voivodship, prepared daily in our nursery kitchen. The food is neither processed (or termished) again nor stored in fridge before serving. We plan our daily menus by fully qualified professional food technologist to guarantee the balanced diet suitable for each age group. Naturally we also cater for all individual dietary needs.( dod. Tłum.)

Gross motor/ Physical development
First months of human’s life influence their harmonious development in future, so the special emphasis must be placed on the motor development of each child.
In our nursery we offer specialy designed and equipped indoor play areas and variety of specially adapted facilities, devices and educational toys to facilitate the development of motor skils among our proteges. In our classroom, in specially designed environment the crucial skills like: balance of the body, endurance and coordination are visibly and effectively progressed.